Shamrock Open 2003 Results

March 16, 2003

I would like the following people recognized for their help in the Shamrock 

Dave Buning - Thanks for your help with the raffle. All the nightly meetings at my house organization/drinking beer and the day you took off to help label the bottles. A great man and friend.

Mike Dixon - An awesome assistant and without you this competition would not have gone off so smoothly. Your attention to detail is out of this world. I appreciate you coordinating the Raffle, what a turn out, people will remember this compitition for a long time. There is no possible way to list all the stuff you did for this competition. THANKS!!

Donna Murphery - Thanks for setting up the tables and getting the stewarts organized and a big thanks for helping Richard the day of the competition. Always willing to help anyone.

Jim Navecky - I appreciate all your work on keeping the web page up-to-date. Especially the on-line registration.

Bill Pollard - Many thanks for helping Mike with the raffle.

Richard Todd - The REAL organizer. Thanks for your diligence on the day of the competition organizing, sorting and working your magic with the computer.

Mike Wallace - Thanks, Oh, by the way; Did you bring the money??

Mike Weiss - Thanks for helping out with the raffle. The bread getter-picker-upper. Also, thanks for all your help the day of the competition getting the beer to BB&Y(kinda important). Thanks for keeping the beer cool and for being my beer runner. You were my catch all guy.

Jim Brewer (Organizer)

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Best of Show
1st Place: Jim Brewer 24 Specialty, Experimental, Historical Beer
    CARBOY (Wheat Wine)
2nd Place: Gary Cathey 3a Blond Ale
    Carolina Brewmasters
3rd Place: Brian Cole 8a Koelsch-Style Ale
American and Euro. Pale lagers
	Category(s):	1,2
	1st Place:	Glenn Thomas	2b Northern German Pilsner
	2nd Place:	Mac Wylie	1c Classic American Pilsner
	Battleground Brewers
	3rd Place:	Steve Schammel	1b Dark American Lager
Light Ales
	Category(s):	3
	1st Place:	Gary Cathey	3a Blond Ale
	Carolina Brewmasters
	2nd Place:	James Bond	3b American Wheat Ale
	3rd Place:	Gary Cathey	3c Cream Ale
	Carolina Brewmasters
	Honorable Mention	Jeff Ziemba	3c Cream Ale
	Battleground Brewers
Ordinary and Special Bitters
	Category(s):	4a,4,b
	1st Place:	Gary Cathey	4b Special or Best Bitter
	Carolina Brewmasters
	2nd Place:	Joel Masters	4a Ordinary Bitter
	Palmetto State Brewers
	3rd Place:	Sonja & Mark Burris	4b Special or Best Bitter
	Palmetto State Brewers
English Pale Ale
	Category(s):	4c
	1st Place:	Michael Weiss	4c Strong Bitter/English Pale Ale
	2nd Place:	Brian Cole	4c Strong Bitter/English Pale Ale
	3rd Place:	Terry Finch	4c Strong Bitter/English Pale Ale
American Pale Ale
	Category(s):	6a
	1st Place:	Brian Cole	6a American Pale Ale
	2nd Place:	Glenn Thomas	6a American Pale Ale
	3rd Place:	Jim Brewer	6a American Pale Ale
Scottish ale and American Amber
	Category(s):	5, 6b
	1st Place:	James Bond	5c Scottish Export 80/-
	2nd Place:	Jim Smith	6b American Amber Ale
	3rd Place:	Brian Cole	5c Scottish Export 80/-
India Pale Ale
	Category(s):	7
	1st Place:	David Keller	7 India Pale Ale
	2nd Place:	Tom Viemont	7 India Pale Ale
	3rd Place:	Jim Brewer	7 India Pale Ale
	Honorable Mention	Jim Smith	7 India Pale Ale
Koelsch and Altbier
	Category(s):	8
	1st Place:	Brian Cole	8a Koelsch-Style Ale
	2nd Place:	Mike Dixon	8b Dusseldorf Altbier
	3rd Place:	David Keller	8a Koelsch-Style Ale
O'fest, Dark lager and Bock
	Category(s):	9,13,14
	1st Place:	Gary Kunes	14c Doppelbock
	Carolina Brewmasters
	2nd Place:	John Oshman	13b Schwarzbier
	Carolina Brewmasters
	3rd Place:	David Keller	13a Munich Dunkel
	Honorable Mention	Patrick Schneider	14c Doppelbock
	(outside NC)
Brown ale
	Category(s):	10
	1st Place:	John Oshman	10d American Brown Ale
	Carolina Brewmasters
	2nd Place:	Brian Cole	10d American Brown Ale
	3rd Place:	Michael Weiss	10d American Brown Ale
	Honorable Mention	Gary Cathey	10d American Brown Ale
	Carolina Brewmasters
Strong ale and smoked beer
	Category(s):	11, 23
	1st Place:	David Keller	11a Old Ale
	2nd Place:	Jeff Ziemba	23b Other Smoked Beer
	Battleground Brewers
	3rd Place:	Gary Kunes	11b Strong Scotch Ale
	Carolina Brewmasters
Barleywine an Imperial Stout
	Category(s):	12
	1st Place:	Glenn Thomas	12b American-style Barleywine
	2nd Place:	David Keller	12c Russian Imperial Stout
	3rd Place:	Mike Dixon	12b American-style Barleywine
	Category(s):	15
	1st Place:	Jay Schrade	15a Robust Porter
	Tennessee Valley Hombrewers
	2nd Place:	Glenn Thomas	15b Brown Porter
	3rd Place:	David Keller	15a Robust Porter
	Category(s):	16
	1st Place:	J Wilson	16a Dry Stout
	2nd Place:	Terry Finch	16d Foreign Extra Stout
	3rd Place:	Brian Cole	16d Foreign Extra Stout
Strong Belgian and Lambics
	Category(s):	18, 20
	1st Place:	David Craft	18d Belgian Strong Dark Ale
	Battleground Brewers
	2nd Place:	Robert Leach	18a Dubbel
	Palmetto State Brewers
	3rd Place:	Joel Masters	18b Tripel
	Palmetto State Brewers
Wheat and Belgian/French ales
	Category(s):	17, 19
	1st Place:	Gary Cathey	17a Bavarian Weizen
	Carolina Brewmasters
	2nd Place:	Mike Dixon	19b Witbier
	3rd Place:	Michael Weiss	17a Bavarian Weizen
Fruit beer
	Category(s):	21
	1st Place:	Jim Brewer	21 Fruit Beer
	2nd Place:	Jimmy Jefferson	21 Fruit Beer
	3rd Place:	Mike Dixon	21 Fruit Beer
Spice/H/Veg and Specialty
	Category(s):	22, 24
	1st Place:	Jim Brewer	24 Specialty, Experimental, Historical Beer
	2nd Place:	William Lynch	22 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer
	Carolina Brewmasters
	3rd Place:	Mike Dixon	24 Specialty, Experimental, Historical Beer
	Honorable Mention	J Wilson	22 Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer
Mead and Cider
	1st Place:	Kevin Martin	25b Varietal Honey Traditional Mead
	Carolina Brewmasters
	2nd Place:	Kevin Martin	25e Other Fruit Melomel
	Carolina Brewmasters
	3rd Place:	Christopher Latta	25f Metheglin