Click HERE for Shamrock 2004 pictures
Best of Show 1st Place: Dave Buning 17a Bavarian Weizen CARBOY 2nd Place: Jim Brewer 6a American Pale Ale CARBOY 3rd Place: Jules R. Myers 15a Robust Porter Independent American lager and Wheat beer 1st Place: Dave Buning 17a Bavarian Weizen CARBOY 2nd Place: Robert Leach 17b Bavarian Dunkelweizen Palmetto State Brewers 3rd Place: Michael Weiss 1b Dark American Lager CARBOY European Pale Lagers 1st Place: David Jones 2b Northern German Pilsner Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Courtney Tyvand 2c Dortmunder Export Barley Mob Brewers of Chattanooga 3rd Place: Greg Grafton 2a Bohemian Pilsner MALT Light Ale 1st Place: James Bond 3b American Wheat Ale MALT 2nd Place: Todd Bowman 3a Blond Ale Carolina Brewmasters 3rd Place: Jeff Ziemba 3c Cream Ale Battleground Brewers English Bitters 1st Place: Mitch Hayes 4c Strong Bitter/English Pale Ale CARBOY 2nd Place: Young Martin 4c Strong Bitter/English Pale Ale Covert Hops Society 3rd Place: Jules R. Myers 4b Special or Best Bitter Independent Scottish ale and Euro Dark Lager 1st Place: Felton Dengler 5b Scottish Heavy 70/- Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Mark A. Graham 13a Munich Dunkel Carolina Brewmasters 3rd Place: Jim Smith 13a Munich Dunkel Battleground Brewers American Pale Ale 1st Place: Jim Brewer 6a American Pale Ale CARBOY 2nd Place: Charles Sweet 6a American Pale Ale Independent 3rd Place: Michael Weiss 6a American Pale Ale CARBOY American Amber & California Common 1st Place: Jim Smith-Carboy 6b American Amber Ale CARBOY 2nd Place: Felton Dengler 6c California Common Beer Carolina Brewmasters 3rd Place: Jim Smith 6b American Amber Ale Battleground Brewers IPA 1st Place: Jim Smith 7 India Pale Ale Battleground Brewers 2nd Place: Gary Kunes 7 India Pale Ale Carolina Brewmasters 3rd Place: Gary Cathey 7 India Pale Ale Carolina Brewmasters Koelsch,Altbier,O'fest,and Vienna 1st Place: Gerald Jowers 8a Koelsch-Style Ale Palmetto State Brewers 2nd Place: Jeff Ziemba 8b Dusseldorf Altbier Battleground Brewers 3rd Place: Jim Yeager 9a Oktoberfest/Maerzen DEA Mild and N. English Brown ale 1st Place: Bill Lynch 10a Mild Ale Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Courtney Tyvand 10b Northern English Brown Ale Barley Mob Brewers of Chattanooga 3rd Place: Mark Moeller 10b Northern English Brown Ale CARBOY S. English Brown and American Brown ale 1st Place: Ken Hilton 10d American Brown Ale DEA 2nd Place: Mark Moeller 10c Southern English Brown Ale CARBOY 3rd Place: Gary Kunes 10d American Brown Ale Carolina Brewmasters Old and Strong Scotch ale 1st Place: Robert Leach 11b Strong Scotch Ale Palmetto State Brewers 2nd Place: J Wilson 11b Strong Scotch Ale CARBOY 3rd Place: Todd Bowman 11a Old Ale Carolina Brewmasters Barleywine and Russian Imperial Stout 1st Place: Bernie Kessel 12b American-style Barleywine MALT 2nd Place: Jim Brewer 12b American-style Barleywine CARBOY 3rd Place: Todd Bowman 12a English-style Barleywine Carolina Brewmasters Bocks 1st Place: David Comerford 14a Traditional Bock Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Harold Dowda 14c Doppelbock Palmetto State Brewers 3rd Place: Glenn Thomas 14d Eisbock CARBOY Robust and Brown Porter 1st Place: Jules R. Myers 15a Robust Porter Independent 2nd Place: Bernie Kessel 15a Robust Porter MALT 3rd Place: Michael Marble 15a Robust Porter Battleground Brewers Dry, Sweet and Oatmeal Stout 1st Place: Jim Yeager 16c Oatmeal Stout DEA 2nd Place: Mark Garwatoski 16a Dry Stout CARBOY 3rd Place: Ken Hilton 16c Oatmeal Stout DEA Foreign Extra Stout 1st Place: Gary Cathey 16d Foreign Extra Stout Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Jim Brewer 16d Foreign Extra Stout CARBOY 3rd Place: Elwood Gunther Sean Anklam 16d Foreign Extra Stout Independent Strong Belgian Ale 1st Place: Jim Brewer 18c Belgian Strong Golden Ale CARBOY 2nd Place: David Jones 18c Belgian Strong Golden Ale Carolina Brewmasters 3rd Place: Michael Weiss 18a Dubbel CARBOY Belgian and French ale 1st Place: Todd Bowman 19c Bier de Garde Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Charles Sweet 19a Belgian Pale Ale Independent 3rd Place: Jim Brewer 19a Belgian Pale Ale CARBOY Lambic ales and Fruit beers 1st Place: Wayne A Fricke 21 Fruit Beer Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Robert Leach 20c Fruit Lambic-style Ale Palmetto State Brewers 3rd Place: Tina Martin Chris Cole 20c Fruit Lambic-style Ale Palmetto State Brewers Spice/Herb/Veg & Special/Experimental/Historical beer 1st Place: Gary Kunes 24 Specialty, Experimental, Historical Beer Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Felton Dengler 24 Specialty, Experimental, Historical Beer Carolina Brewmasters 3rd Place: Sara Seidel 24 Specialty, Experimental, Historical Beer Carolina Brewmasters Traditional Meads and Cysers 1st Place: Todd Bowman 25a Traditional Mead Carolina Brewmasters 2nd Place: Kevin Martin 25a Traditional Mead Carolina Brewmasters 3rd Place: Kevin Martin 25b Varietal Honey Traditional Mead Carolina Brewmasters Other Meads (25d-25h) 1st Place: Joe Miller 25f Metheglin DEA 2nd Place: Joe Miller 25f Metheglin DEA 3rd Place: Greg Grafton 25h Mixed Mead MALT Just Good Beer Jason Inman - AJ's Red Lager