CARBOY - General => CARBOY News => Topic started by: Walt S on December 29, 2007, 05:53:38 PM

Title: A look back at 2007
Post by: Walt S on December 29, 2007, 05:53:38 PM
Wow, What a year.

2007 was certainly a great year for CARBOY.  Membership continues to grow and meetings are very well attended.  

At the end of 2006, CARBOY began sponsoring a BJCP exam study course and as a result, in early 2007, we had 8 new BJCP judges.  Many thanks to Mike Dixon for tutoring and arranging the exam.  

March brought a record setting Shamrock Open with over 425 entries.  Thanks Dave Buning, the organizer and Jim Brewer, the head judge.  Also, thanks to the judges, stewards and those in the background (Shelley, that means you) for a very successful competition.  Thanks also go out to Mike Welch for such an impressive raffle...again.

2007 brought us our own Forum and as of this writing, there are 52 registered users and there have been about 3500 posts.  Thanks to Mike Dixon for setting this up and to the moderators for keeping us on the straight and narrow.  

In June, CARBOY participated in its first Club Night at the National Homebrew Conference held in Denver, CO.  There, we unveiled the club's fabulous new 8 tap Shank Bank built by Mike Weiss.  Thanks to some great beers donated by club members, outstanding BBQ provided by Mark Garwatoski, and a Shamrock theme, CARBOY came away with First Place for out of state clubs.

Mid year elections brought some new blood into the committee that guides CARBOY.  Mike Dixon became the Finance Director.  He replaced charter member Mike Wallace who has held the post for about 10 years.  Thanks to Mike Wallace for your support of the club throughout the years.  Tom Viemont replaced Jim Kinn as Education VP.  Thanks Jim K. for your many contributions.  Long time Web Master, Jim Navecky, is now getting a break from his duties from Brian Sico.  Thanks Jim N. for manning the website over the years.  Thanks also to the officers that continued on in their positions.  Michael Welch as Social VP and Mark Garwatoski, Communications Director

Mead day was again a great success thanks to Todd Wenzel and thankfully, the bees did not make a return appearance.   Many thanks go out to Todd's wife for putting up with us again.  

For the second year in a row, CARBOY participated in the Charlotte Octoberfest.  We drained 14 kegs in about 4 hours.  That left plenty of time for attendees to sample some the other fine brews that were on hand at the festival.  Thanks to all who brewed beer for this event and to those that manned the Shank Bank.  

CARBOY's Oktoberfest was very well attended and as is the custom, the beer and food were wonderful.  There were some great brats thanks to Kevin Vaughn.  Cooking kudos once again go out to Elisa Masson and Jim Kinn.  

The holiday party wrapped up the year nicely with more great beer and food.  It was nice to see founding members attend.  Thanks to Mike Weiss, Jim Brewer, and Dave Buning for their continued assistance in this event.  

Next year promises to be very active and challenging.  Hop and grain shortages will certainly have an impact on styles and amounts of beer brewed.  The Shamrock Open will start off the year, followed shortly thereafter by our club's participation in judging the first round of the National Homebrew Competition (South Region).  The 2008 National Homebrew Conference will be held in June in Cincinnati, OH.  CARBOY member attendance at the NHC should be at an all time high for this event.  Stay tuned to the CARBOY Forum for the latest on CARBOY events

So, raise your glasses and give a toast to all who have made 2007 such a great and active year for our club and here's to an equally prosperous 2008.
If I've forgotten anything or anyone, please feel free to chime in.


Walt Sweeney, Da Prez.
Title: A look back at 2007
Post by: lost shaker on December 29, 2007, 08:53:35 PM
I think I'm verklempt.  What a great year for CARBOY, and let us not forget to raise that same glass to Walt.  A man who's leadership and kindness have certainly played a significant role in making all of this happen.

Thanks to Walt, too!

Title: A look back at 2007
Post by: Mark G on December 30, 2007, 10:34:52 AM
Four more years! Four more years!
Title: A look back at 2007
Post by: DBuns on December 30, 2007, 01:16:14 PM
Amen!  Walt's already WAY ahead in Iowa and New Hampshire!!!

Walt, thanks for all the blood, sweat, and tears.  We love you, man.  (wait, wrong beer.)