Walt mentioned he was going to be out of town, is anyone getting the key?
My apologies. I had scheduled the week off but got called out on an emergency. I'm sitting somewhere in bum f*%$# Oregon. I'll be missing you guys. I plan to be at the Feb meeting but impeachment is an option.
Walt S.
Hey, check on the hops situation for us, won't you??
Don't think I can make it out there for the key....Mitch?? anyone else?
I'd do it, but my car is going to be in the shop over lunchtime.
I'll get the key... All I have to do is show up at lunch time and ask for it? and then show up to open the door at 7? Any secret handshake involved?
No handshake, but I heard something about a reach around :shock:
Thanks, Brian!!! See you tonight.
Here's the scoop from our fearless leader on the duties of the key master:
Go to the BB&Y restaurant before 2PM. Get the key from Nick, the owner. You can get to BB&Y about 15 minutes early. Open up and get all the place settings off the table. Get a tub of ice out of the ice maker. Take a place mat and set up the sign up sheet. Move the trees out of the way but remember where they were. People will help you clean up. Make sure you put the trees back where they were and put the place mats back on the tables after the tables are wiped off. Make sure the back door is locked. Empty the garbage. Again you should have some help. Lock the front door and put the key under the door. Thanks for taking care of this for me. Walt
Thanks Tom..........I couldn't have said it better myself.:wink:
Walt S.
Meeting Recap
33 people in attendance, another excellent meeting.
Tom did an excellent job speaking about making extract brews better (might want to get that info on the website.)
Upcoming dates club involved dates:
-February 3 - Superbowl Party at Steve Murphrey's
-March 15th Shamrock
-AHA NHC - April 19 Raleigh, April 26 Raleigh and Charlotte (note that April 26 is the same date as the Raleigh World Beer Festival)
-BJCP Regional Elections - April
-BJCP Exam in Raleigh - May or June
-National Homebrewer's Convention - June 18-21
Brian is going to spearhead some judge refresher courses in February prior to Shamrock.
Quote from: "MDixon"Meeting Recap
33 people in attendance, another excellent meeting.
And the best part was that 1/4 of them were relatively new to the club and homebrewing. I heard a few guys say that this was their first or second meeting, or that they were just getting back into the hobby.