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Moving to Asheville

Started by kevint, October 22, 2015, 09:29:17 PM

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I have a verbal offer from Mission Health, in AVL, for an IT position.  I should get a written offer in the next day or so to make it official.  As long as it doesn't fall through I will be moving to AVL in Nov.  Unfortunately its not in the beer industry but I am still keeping an eye out :-)

I have the big brew equipment (26 gallon kettle, banjo burner and large cooler) and 6 or 7 of the large blue tubs used for staging the Shamrock beers.  Also have the original Carboy tasters and some business cards.  Would like to give all this to other members at next week's meeting.

Any takers?

I expect that anyone going to AVL will let me know so we can grab a beer!!



Grats on the new position Kevin!  While you'll definitely be missed, I get the feeling that you make the drive out to the Asheville area quite a bit, so it will be nice to live in an area you enjoy so much.  I don't have the time to get out there nearly as much as I'd like, but next time I'm there I'll definitely give you a head's up.


That's great Kevin!

I have the space to store all of those items, but I will not be at the meeting next week, and I certainly do not have room in my car to transport it.  I can store it if someone can transport it.


I thought that I would comment on some of the activities that Kevin organizes for the club, and thank him for his service over the years.

For those of you who have known Kevin for a while, you'll know how much Kevin has contributed to the club over the years.  He was president for at least 2, maybe 3 years.  He has helped with the Shamrock for as long as I can remember.  He doesn't think he's qualified to judge (but he is), but he always participates in entry sorting, general tasks during the day of the event, and most importantly, getting and serving the lunch beers.

Recently Kevin has taken on the task of organizing the beer judging for the NC State Fair beer contest.  This contest involves hundreds of homebrew and commercial entries, and dealing with lots of non-beer people who are running the event.  We know how that "helps" things run smoothly.

On a more personal note, Kevin has been the registrar for all 7 years of the Lonerider Brew it Forward homebrew contest. He has slaved over his laptop while I sit and drink beer all morning.  I could not have organized this contest for the past 7 years without Kevin's help. 

Kevin has also helped me with the Railhawks Soktoberfest for the last 4 years, most importantly by counting up all of the peoples' choice ballots at the end of the event (always in the dark, and usually in the rain).

And finally, how could I not mention the numerous "Iron Brewer" events that Kevin has organized for the club over the years.  This is certainly one of our more popular events and Kevin organizes this all by himself.

So, Kevin, thank you for your service to the club over the years.  We will all miss you.  Good luck in Asheville.  Cheers!


Thanks for all the kind words Bill!!

I'll work with you to find help for BIF and Soctoberfest. BIF is very easy to registrar compared to Shamrock and would be a good starting point for someone to learn.  Iron Brewer is pretty easy to organize and I can work with someone who is interested.  I'm planning to keep organizing the NC Brewer's Cup although I will need help next year as it will still be in Raleigh area. 

I've enjoyed the club and learned a lot.  I will keep an eye on the forum and as people decide to help with these events I'll jump in and provide everything I have.  Keep up the good work.

I'll make arrangements with you Bill to drop off the club gear at your house.

Maybe we need one last big brew :-)


Gary Morgan

Well said Bill. Good luck Kevin. Your departure will be a significant loss for Carboy.


Quote from: kevint on October 24, 2015, 09:41:17 AM
Maybe we need one last big brew :-)


If the interest is there, I will host it!

Gary Morgan

Steve Winter

Kevin ... Congratulations! ... Guess it was just a matter of time ... I'll assume we can still sign you up as the 'Lunch Beer Coordinator' for Shamrock ... You can bring a new selection of Beers and return the kegs  8) ...

I'll pick up the stuff from you on Wednesday and transport to Bill


Wow.  Congrats!  Though we'll miss you :(  Will have to make more trips to AVL I guess!


Congratulations, Kevin.  I know that is where you wanted to end up, so I am happy for you.  I echo all of the things that Bill said, and I also remember many times you delivered stuff to me at the IBM Rec Center parking lot...and I remember you always being there to go grab a beer.  Thanks for the leadership with CARBOY!

We will certainly miss you, and I hope you do stay connected.  Can't believe you're moving out before I get back from Iowa!  I hope the move and all goes well...and that you do get back occasionally for that beer.

Cheers, my friend!


Never trust a skinny brewer.


Quote from: Steve Winter on October 25, 2015, 02:16:25 PM
I'll pick up the stuff from you on Wednesday and transport to Bill
Thanks for the offer Steve.  I'm making arrangements to drop off at Bill's this weekend.  This way we won't have to mess with transferring the gear in the rain.
